I recently interviewed the Owner of the Chop Shop on Granville for my weekly E!Online post. The following is an abbreviated version of the post: Paperny Films A new docu-soap featuring Vancouver’s Chop Shop will share the rock and roll “anti hair salon” lifestyle this February on Slice Network. Owner and Chop Shop star, Daniel […]
When you think of baseball you think hotdogs, warm summer afternoons, caps, cheers, and more often than not, America. However one of the most cherished baseball films of all time was actually based on a book written by a Canadian, who spent time bouncing between the Lower Mainland, and Iowa. I began writing this post […]
Although I was originally asked to profile ERA by a staff member, they have been unhappy with the response this post has received. As a result, comments have been closed and I have removed all links to ERA within. I had the chance recently to fire some questions off to the ERA (Electronic Recycling Association) […]
For some reason this morning Avalon Dairy popped into my head and I figured that having a farm in the middle of a single-family residential neighbourhood in South Vancouver is definitely something worth exploring. Photo credit: SqueakyMarmot on Flickr Last year John and I did the Amazing Hunt, a really fun, local version of TV’s […]
I was given media passes to the Taste BC event (as well as the contest tickets) although I was planning on staying in last night and preparing for the trip to WordCamp Whistler. I completely forgot that I had arranged to cover Ideas on Tap for Media2O Productions so I raced out for the liveblog. […]