Archive for the category "vancouver"

Odyssey Plans to Move to Denman

Comments 58 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I got a note last night from Ariane about a hearing she had attended in the West End with regards to the relocation of the Odyssey nightclub from Howe Street, over to Denman. She said the place was absolutely packed, warranting a second meeting, and a strong majority of the crowd was opposed to the […]

Vancouver History: Streams of History

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Those who frequent this site often may notice that I have a bit of a passion for all things history in and around Vancouver. This weekend a very special event is taking place in the downtown Eastside (our city’s oldest neighbourhood) and everyone is welcome to join in person or online. Start Time: Saturday, February […]

Toni & Guy Anniversary Hair and Fashion Show Tonight

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’m a big fan of anniversaries and it may have been a little-known fact that my Best of 604 Awards were originally started because I wanted to celebrate my 5th blogaversary with others, in style, while supporting a cause. Tonight, Toni & Guy, the world-famous hair salon, is having a special bash of its own […]

Celebration of Light Fireworks Cancelled for 2009

Comments 34 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update 2010: The fireworks are on this year. Update March 11th, 2009: A “generous benefactor with a business angle” has stepped up to cover/sponsor the event and the Celebration of Light is officially back on. [news1130] Additional: It has been announced that The Keg is the new sponsor. [] Our city has battled with these […]

Vancouver Twestival Venue and Tickets

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A few weeks ago I hopped on board the Twestival organization team and decided to figure out Vancouver’s event. Twestival is a high profile event for Charity:Water that will be taking place in over 180 cities o February 12, 2009. Our plan is to get together after work for food, drinks, mingling, raffle prizes, fundraising, […]