Archive for the category "vancouver"

100 Mile Challenge in Mission, BC

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Based on the best-selling book (and blog) by James MacKinnon and Alisa Smith, the Food Network’s new series, The 100 Mile Challenge, is testing the lifestyle habits of families in Mission, BC. I recently did a write up about the show for E!Online and soon after started counting my own food miles. Photo credit: Roland […]

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I love this time of year in the city. The grey and dreary winter days are behind us and although the rain still showers down every few days (or for a few days on end) it just makes everything so lush, green, and full of life. Walking up from Burrard SkyTrain the other night I […]

Review: The C-Word

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Our friend Shayam, a local podcaster and close family friend of my friend Tanya, is involved with The C-Word — a play now showing at the Playwrights Theatre Centre on Granville Island. Last night Tanya and I stopped by to check it out. If cheating is colour blind, so is commitment, increasingly a “C-word” to […]

Vancouver Blogger Meetup April 2009

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Wednesday night I met up with Raul for a bite to eat and then headed over to Shenanigans for this month’s Vancouver Blogger Meetup. My goal was to meet new bloggers, and I believe I was successful. There were tech bloggers, marketers, and even a match-maker. Jan Karlsberg was the unofficial scribe so he took […]

SkyTrain Fare Gates Poll

Comments 22 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This week it was announced that in the spring of 2010 they will begin the construction of fare gates at all SkyTrain stations. Photo credit: Oran Viriyincy on Flickr Premier Gordon Campbell says these devices will help create a safer environment for users, and he admits this should have been done decades ago. TransLink adds […]