Archive for the category "vancouver"

Death Cab for Cutie at the Pacific Coliseum

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

If you’re a long-time reader of you’ll probably know that the band Death Cab for Cutie has a special place in my heart. John introduced their music to me when we were dating and a song by Ben Gibbard will forever remind me of him. We even played Death Cab at our wedding and […]

Vancouver Canadians Girls of Summer

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Canadians are hoping to increase engagement with the ladies at the baseball diamond with their Girls of Summer campaign. “This year, we have developed an entire marketing strategy that speaks to women who are looking for fun, safe and affordable entertainment experience”, says Andy Dunn, President, Vancouver Canadians. “Whether they are coming to […]

Skateboard Week in Vancouver

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo credit: uncleweed on Flickr It is officially “Skateboard Week in Vancouver” according to a proclamation made by the Vancouver Park Board on behalf of the City. I remember the days when Vancouver outdoor staircases, plazas, fountains, and buildings were being retrofitted with skateboard-proof knobs and bumps. My, how we’ve come a long way. “Skateboarding […]

The Jessies

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Each year the Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards Society honors the best of Vancouver’s theatre community and tonight they’ll be announcing this season’s winners. I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to become more involved with the arts community over the last year so it’s exciting to see people I have watched & enjoyed being honored in such […]