Archive for the category "vancouver"

Vancouver 2010 Provincial Theme Days

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Nova Scotia handed out scarves, Alberta decked out downtown in Calgary Stampede hats, and the Northwest Territories served up tea and bannock at Canada’s Northern House. Every day during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics a province or territory is featured. I’m a bit late to post this list but so that you can enjoy all the […]

The Olympics From a Kid's Perspective

Comments 6 by Jennifer Miles

The following was written for by my 9 year old niece, Alexis. She interviewed her brothers to put together this post. Photo credit: John Biehler on Flickr The Olympics. Week one. A kid’s perspective To the kids in Vancouver and Surrey, the Olympics are very exciting because they are in Vancouver. They think the […]

Vancouver 2010 Day 7 Trip to Whistler

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I was invited to hop aboard the Alberta Train yesterday, a luxury rail coach from North Vancouver to Whistler with double-decker cars and domed panorama roofs. The train experience is courtesy of Travel Alberta to showcase their Rocky Mountaineer route to the Rockies. There was plenty to do in Whistler this week and aside from […]

Vancouver 2010 Day 6 in Photos

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As the sixth day of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games comes to a close I thought it would be best to publish my Olympic Daily tonight. I’ll be heading to Whistler first thing in the morning on the Alberta Train which means my day will be starting at 4:30am. Today’s schedule was once again jam-packed […]

How CBC is Covering Vancouver 2010

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This is the first year in my lifetime that CBC has not been the official broadcaster of the Olympic Games in Canada. Although CTV is doing a fine job, it’s almost like watching Hockey Night in Canada without the original theme — something’s missing. I walked around the CBC broadcast centre in Vancouver yesterday and […]