The 17th annual Winter Solstice Lantern Festival returns to six Vancouver neighbourhoods tomorrow as we sail into a new season. On Tuesday, December 21st, 2010 from 6:00pm until 10:00pm you can join an event on the East Side at homes on Parker & Lakewood or the Britannia Community Centre, in Yaletown at the Roundhouse Community […]
My good friend Keira recently turned the big “3-0” and to celebrate I joined her for a brunch followed by a manicure and pedicure at Cranberries Spa on Robson. Truth be told, I first heard about Spa on Twitter so I was curious to see what the experience would be like. Photo © Snap Weddings […]
As a sponsor of Christmas at Canada Place, John and I are on-site to check out and cover the entertainment and activities happening at this morning’s Breakfast with Santa. Now in its 23rd year, Breakfast with Santa happens on a Saturday and Sunday morning just before Christmas and is complete with a delicious breakfast followed […]
It’s the time when “year in review” posts and lists start popping up all forms of media; from the Best Viral Videos of 2010 to the Top 10 Most Powerful Tweets of 2010. I thought it would be interesting to search YouTube to see if I could come up with the Top 5 Vancouver Videos […]
Santa rolled into Vancouver last week and he’s no stranger to our town. While looking up a keyword for today’s Archives Photos I decided to keep it simple and see how Santa has spent his time in our town over the years. Year: 1939 In this photo: The Case triplets visit Santa Vancouver Archives Item#: […]