Move over Red and Yellow, M&Ms have a new spokescandy. Ms. Brown, to be revealed to Canadians this month, is the “Chief Chocolate Officer” at Mars Inc. with a distinct personality and unmatched knowledge of milk chocolate. Ms. Brown will make her first appearance, after working behind the scenes for the last seventy years, at […]
This winter the City and Slope festival will tie in adventures on our local mountains with interactive events downtown. From February 9 to 12, 2012, you can enjoy live concerts, attractions, and snow-filled action on the hills. City Illuminate Yaletown: Light displays, music, and more in this heritage district. Science World Light Show: Nightly on […]
Today is Robbie Burns Day, celebrating the life and poetry of Robert Burns. Burns Suppers are usually held January 25th (the anniversary of the Scot’s birthday) and involve whisky, haggis, and reading of Burns’ poetry. Photo credit: rfduck on Flickr This year Simon Fraser University is taking the notion of the Burns Supper one step […]
Illuminate Yaletown returns next month as the historic streets of Yaletown host a winter festival complete with dazzling installations. Light art exhibits will be glowing between Drake and Nelson, on Mainland and Hamilton Streets once the sun sets on February 10th and 11th. Photo credit: [travelfox] on Flickr – Submitted to the Miss604 Flickr Pool […]
It was on this day, January 23, 1939 that the two lions on the South end of the Lions Gate Bridge were installed. The two regal figures were created by