Tonight marks the opening night of Ninja Pirates Theatre Society’s production of SubUrbia by Eric Bogosian, directed by Anthony Shim. The play follows the nighttime activities of a group of aimless 20-somethings still living suburban hometown and their reunion with a former-geeky-high-school classmate, who is now a successful musician. It’s semi-autobiographical take on Bogosian’s own […]
Celebrating the launch of her first album in seven years, Fiona Apple is now on tour and will be making a stop in Vancouver on July 24th. The Grammy Award-wining singer/songwriter Photo courtesy of Live Nation In 1999 she held the record for longest album title name with When the Pawn… which contained over 400 […]
The Vancouver Heritage Foundation just launched a photo contest where you can submit your pictures of heritage buildings around the city for your chance to win a grand prize staycation at a bed & breakfast. Peppered throughout the city, between glass towers modern storefronts, you’ll find structures that have stood the test of time in […]
The Global Relay Gastown Grand Prix returns to the streets of Vancouver July 11, 2012. Coming off a 3-year hiatus, this race is one of the most famous in Canada and it attracts North America’s best cyclists. Gastown Grand Prix 2006 Photo by Greg Descantes For spectators, it’s a free festival where crowds can line […]
We didn’t see much sunshine in June but there have been a few glorious days so far this summer. I’m still fixated on the belief that the rain leads to even greener grass and floral blooms on those sparkling sunny days. Whether you’re staying around town or heading up the Sea to Sky, I have […]