Archive for the category "vancouver"

Canuck Place Gift of Time Gala

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On Saturday October 19, 2013, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice will welcome guests to the Westin Bayshore Hotel for their 9th annual Gift of Time Gala, where over 600 partners, supporters and friends of the Hospice will come together for an evening to honour the courage found at Canuck Place. The evening is set to include […]

The Mayor of Gastown

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

There are characters that can define a community and in the 1970s, it was “Ace” Aasen — the self-proclaimed Mayor of Gastown. Although the area on the eastern edge of Vancouver’s downtown is named after another character, John “Gassy Jack” Deighton, this historic quarter seems to have always attracted interesting personalities. “Ace” Aasen, “Mayor of […]

Date Night in the City: Loden Hotel and Tableau Bistro

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Disclosure: Review — This is not a paid post. Views are my own. Our stay at the Loden Hotel was compliments of the hotel. I paid for our dinner and brunch at Tableau. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

It may seem like a simple task to book a romantic evening for two professional thirty-somethings in the city who have no pets and no kids but John and I often find our “date nights” are few and far between. A busy day job, a company to run, client projects and commitments make us some […]

The Fish House Shrimp Festival

Comments 192 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Fish House in Stanley Park serves up a 100% Ocean Wise menu on the edge of the city’s crown jewel, tucked between its sandy beaches, rhododendron garden, and forest trails. From September 15th until October 15th, Executive Chef Curtis Demyon and his team at this award-winning restaurant are serving up the Fish House Shrimp […]

World Rivers Day 2013 Around Metro Vancouver

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The 33rd annual BC Rivers Day celebration of World Rivers Day will take place in a number of communities between Friday, September 27th and Monday, September 30th, 2013. Free, family-friendly events will be hosted featuring everything from shoreline cleanups to live music, barbecues and boat tours. World Rivers Day Gala Event: Burnaby Where: Burnaby Village […]