Archive for the category "vancouver"

Winter Games Legacy Celebration

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

“Remember when the Olympics were here?” John and I ask each other this nostalgic question every now and then. It was an amazing time for us; covering the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, riding along with the torch relay, attending press conferences, ziplining over Robson Street, and cheering our hearts out for every Canadian athlete and […]

Win Tickets to CAMRA CiderWISE

Comments 46 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Campaign for Real Ale’s Vancouver chapter — CAMRA Vancouver — is broadening its horizons and welcoming one and all to CiderWISE, a cider and gluten free beer tasting event. More and more people are finding themselves gluten-intolerant and that can make enjoying craft beer difficult, however more and more gluten-free options exist, such as […]

PuSh Festival: Win Tickets to Ryeberg Live

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The PuSh International Performing Arts Festival is on now until February 2nd, presenting groundbreaking work in the live performing arts. The PuSh Festival expands the horizons of Vancouver artists and audiences with work that is visionary, genre-bending, multi-disciplined, startling and original. The Festival showcases acclaimed international, Canadian and local artists and mixes them together with […]

A Loving Spoonful CandyGrams

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Brush off the chilly January blues and focus on the warm fuzzy feelings that come with Valentine’s Day and supporting a great local cause. A Loving Spoonful CandyGrams are back this year and are available for purchase now, ensuring your special-someone gets a funny, sweet, or flirty delivery on this cheerful day. A Loving Spoonful […]

Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2014

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Gung Haggis Fat Choy is the annual celebration of Chinese New Year mixed with Robbie Burns Day that epitomizes the sense of community and collaborative spirit that thrives in Vancouver. The event has been postponed this year so be sure to make note of the new date! Gung Haggis Fat Choy 2014 Photo by Deb […]