Archive for the category "vancouver"

Carnaval del Sol 2014

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Granville Street and Robson Square will be the home base of “food, fun, culture, and fiesta” when Carnaval del Sol takes over July 5th and July 6th as a part of Latin America Week in Vancouver. Presented by Latincouver, this free arts, culture, and music festival kicks off summer in style with energy and flavour, […]

Win Tickets to Cirque du Soleil TOTEM

Comments 273 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Cirque du Soleil is celebrating its 30th anniversary and in Vancouver, they’ll host activities at the Pacific Centre Plaza from 8:00am until about 6:00pm today. Mayor Gregor Robertson will also be on hand for a special announcement, proclaiming June 16th Cirque du Soleil Day in Vancouver. Photo credit: Gord Gallagher on Flickr In honour of […]

Araxi Longtable Series Summer 2014

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A table set for over a hundred, a snow-capped mountain in the background, and the bounty of a valley farm served up by one of the best restaurants in the province — that was our Araxi Longtable experience at North Arm Farm in Pemberton a few summers ago. This year, Whistler-based Araxi Restaurant and Executive […]

City Drinks at the Sun Tower

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

It was once the tallest building in the British Empire and you have the chance to tour a renovated floor of this iconic building during Vancouver Heritage Foundation’s “City Drinks at the Sun Tower” event this month. Pender, East of Cambie. Archives Item# Str N164. Photographer: W.J. Moore Enjoy music, drinks, history, and a tour […]