There are pivotal characters that have put Vancouver on the map in many different realms, from First Nations literary works, legendary hockey skills, to helping children learn to swim in English Bay. Vancouver’s history is made by its people, from many generations. Anyone who has passed by the intersection of Georgia and Hornby may have […]
This post was written for happyfrog at the EPIC Sustainable Living Expo At this time yesterday Mike Holmes was in Toronto redoing a roof and getting a sunburn. Although we can’t control our flip flopping weather in Vancouver, this city was sure grateful for Mike’s appearance. I had the chance to take some notes during […]
I wrote this post by request (although it was my pleasure) for the happy frog and EPIC expo blogs The man behind the crusade for the honest homeowner is Mike Holmes, and he’ll be on the main stage at the EPIC Sustainable Living Expo this Saturday. For the last seven seasons I’ve tuned into HGTV‘s […]
Although my involvement with The Lab was brief and only just a few days ago, I can still appreciate what they’ve done over the years. Source: Wiki I had the pleasure of meeting Amber Mac a few months ago when we were both members of Team Blogger on CBC’s Test the Nation (which makes some […]
I flew out to Toronto for a trivia quiz along with about a hundred other contestants from various careers and walks of life to participate in Test the Nation on the CBC. Those watching at home on Sunday January 20th were be able to play along with the television show, or even online. There were […]