Outside the rain is coming in sideway off the harbour, but it only ads to the ambiance. Fresh cut flowers on the table, and fireplace ablaze, I’m sipping my mocha and typing out a blog post with my legs draped over the sides of this armchair that I wish would just swallow me whole. Last […]
This afternoon as I was skipping across a street in Surrey something popped off my bag and bounced to the ground with a metallic *tick*. No cars were coming so I turned about and noticed it was my Surrey button that had unhooked itself and leapt from its perch next to the others. As much […]
The following has been adapted from actual correspondences I arrived on the 14th, flying from Hamburg to Stuttgart. Hamburg is a very fine city that has a dynamic blend of old buildings and startling modern architecture. They have an immense construction project at the harbour that is similar to the Expo lands development. People are […]
I’ve been so busy recently that I haven’t had time to cover everything I’ve wanted to on the blog. I also haven’t had a lot of time to just chill out with John or my family even though they’re the most important things in the world to me. After waiting almost two years, John‘s immigration […]
I flew out to Toronto for a trivia quiz along with about a hundred other contestants from various careers and walks of life to participate in Test the Nation on the CBC. Those watching at home on Sunday January 20th were be able to play along with the television show, or even online. There were […]