With a strong Canadian dollar, despite long waits at the border, Vancouverites love to spend time south of the border. Shopping at outlet malls, professional sports games, hitting the slopes, and more shopping are main draws between the two rainy Pacific Northwest cities. Over the last few years, John and I have enjoyed Seattle together, […]
Seattle’s Pike Place Market is not only an icon, it’s an attraction that draws over 10 million visitors each year as well as locals who are fortunate enough to have so much fresh fish and produce at their fingertips. I met up with Ben Franz-Knight, Executive Director of the Pike Place Market Preservation & Development […]
During my recent trip the Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, I had the chance to kayak on the Columbia River during the annual chinook salmon run in early October. Instead of taking a lot of photos above the water…I dipped my camera under the kayak to give you a unique view of the activity happening underwater […]
When I was a kid, growing up in Kelowna and Northern BC, my parents took our family on a lot of road trips. We went all over the place in the car camping, hoteling, etc. back in the days before iPads, Nintendo DS and seatback dvd players made road trips easier for us kids in […]
Beat the Cougars! the poster-sized sign read as it clung proudly to the front of the supply store on Main Street. I was heading to my first high school football game and it was homecoming no less. John and I spent ten days back in his hometown in Eastern Iowa and although we mainly worked […]