The Love to Sew Expo is a full weekend of sewing, quilting, knitting, and needlework at the Agriplex in Cloverdale. The two day expo features classes, shopping, and a dream sewing room exhibition along with a VIP evening event with legendary fashion historian Ivan Sayers. Love to Sew Expo Where: Cloverdale Agriplex (17763 62 Ave, […]
November Events in Metro Vancouver: Activities, Events, and Things to do Around Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley Throughout November 2016
The Government of British Columbia has declared October 31st to November 4th Variety Week in BC in support of Variety – The Children’s Charity. From Monday to Friday, you can tune into Global BC newscasts for stories, interviews and entertainment that will showcase how Variety helps organizations and kids in your own community and throughout […]
At this time of year eerie amusements with the sole purpose of scaring your proverbial pants off pop up all around town. These haunted house attractions have activities for the little ones all the way up to frightening fun for adults. Haunted Mansion at the PNE. Photo by Phillip P on Flickr Surrey What: Potter’s […]
October events and activities happening around Metro Vancouver including Thanksgiving Long Weekend and Halloween attractions. October 1-31, 2016 event listings.