Did I not say somewhere that the sea wall still looked pretty sketchy and it didn’t seem like it was ready to re-open? What a crappy “I told you so” moment, the sea wall is closed again. Heavy snow yesterday and rainfall today has resulted in another closure of the Stanley Park Seawall. Park Board […]
This afternoon we grabbed some caffeinated beverages from a local coffee joint and headed to what is probably our favourite place in the city, Stanley Park. I couldn’t take in enough of the fresh autumn air. I love this time of year because the park just seems alive, from squirrels rustling up some grub for […]
Last week, a tree that John and I have passed many time on the Third Beach Trail was toppled by Mother Nature. …Staff report that likely the heavy rains on Sunday morning weakened the root mass, and the severe easterly winds that followed later in the day were the cause of the demise of the […]
I recently discovered the Stanley Park Ecology Society when I was uncovering the fiction that lies in the mainstream media’s portrayal of the restoration progress of the park. They seem to be doing good things, according to their website, leading research and really caring about the wellbeing of the plants and animals. Thanks to them […]
I knew there was something missing but I never realized it until now, well until my sister sent me a text message this morning. Aside from the garbage piling up, libraries being shut down and public pools not being filled with youngsters splashing around, there’s something else that’s happening because of the civic strike in […]