With Halloween right around the corner, thoughts of witches, pirates, bags-full of candy and of course jack-o-lanterns fill children and parents’ minds a-like. In a follow up to my pumpkin patch write up from a few years ago. Here a few tips for those of you headed out to pumpkin patches over the next few […]
September 2012: Here are the 2012 listings. It was almost a decade ago that I heard the term “Maize Maze” and since that time, I’ve had the chance to explore one for myself at the Bose Family Farm. Little did I know that we actually have three corn mazes all within a manageable distance of […]
I’ve almost completely left the Chinese New Year celebrations slip by me this year. Today at 12:00pm (about 20 mins ago) the parade kicked of in Chinatown, starting at Pender and Carrall, “it travels northbound on Pender, east on Gore, south on Keefer and ends at Carall.” [News1130] Photo credit: SqueakyMarmot on Flickr Vancouver has […]
Yesterday was deemed the most depressing day of the year. If your winter SAD has kicked in or your holiday bills are catching up to you, that classification might be justified. But here in Vancouver RIGHT NOW, the sun is shining, yes, there’s SUNSHINE. I propose, just for a day, just while there’s no cloud […]
It’s that time of year when you just want to overdose on Peppermint Mochas then curl into a ball and nap until March. Photo credit: kk+ on Flickr Being in Vancouver, our sun doesn’t rise until after you arrive at work in the morning, and it sets well before you head out the door, bound […]