The VanDusen Botanical Garden is known for its annual events that range from bonsai shows and bulb sales to the Festival of Lights. Before stormy autumn winds blew the remainder of the city’s fiery leaves into the gutters, I thought it would be a good time for a photowalk. These 55 acres that were once […]
The 2010 Gingerbread Creations Competition & Marketplace is coming up next week (November 12th and 13th) at the Vancouver Hellenic Centre. This annual event features over 70 boutiques offering unique, handmade items from local vendors as well as gingerbread creations (not limited to houses). Photo credit: Stuck in Customs on Flickr I’m fortunate enough to […]
As Wendy Weir from Libre Tea once told me, the Sunshine Coast is the “lost corner of the 604”. I used to go to summer camp each year in Roberts Creek and it quite often I’d have people tell me, “have fun on the Island!” The Sunshine Coast is indeed a part of mainland British […]
With Halloween right around the corner, thoughts of witches, pirates, bags-full of candy and of course jack-o-lanterns fill children and parents’ minds a-like. In a follow up to my pumpkin patch write up from a few years ago. Here a few tips for those of you headed out to pumpkin patches over the next few […]
September 2012: Here are the 2012 listings. It was almost a decade ago that I heard the term “Maize Maze” and since that time, I’ve had the chance to explore one for myself at the Bose Family Farm. Little did I know that we actually have three corn mazes all within a manageable distance of […]