The Halloween candy has been divided and the Christmas decorations are ready to be dusted off, but before we leap into a new holiday season, Canadians have a very important day to honour first. Remembrance Day, November 11th, is a day to remember the courage, service and sacrifice of thousands of men and women, and […]
Canadians might hold the ceremony and peaceful reflection of Remembrance Day even closer to their hearts this year given the recent tragedies suffered back east. Here in Metro Vancouver, Remembrance Day ceremonies and services at local cenotaphs will be complimented with special events throughout the coming days: Remembrance Day Around Metro Vancouver Photo credit: Philip […]
Click here for 2014 ceremonies Remembrance Day is coming up and around the region there will be special events to commemorate and remember those who represented our country and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Veterans Affairs Canada has provided an interactive map of events across the country and I have researched a few ceremonies, concerts, and […]
This Sunday, November 11th, is Remembrance Day in Canada. Communities across the country are taking time to gather, reflect, and remember the sacrifices made by our soldiers in honour of this country which we all call home. The following events are all taking place on November 11th around Metro Vancouver and the information has been […]
At 11:00am on the 11th day of the 11th month I stand in silence to respect and honour those who gave their lives for our country. I am a first generation Canadian and this is my home. Remembrance Day makes me think of family, and it makes me thankful. I get to wake up every […]