Archive for the category "rainy"

Vancouver Rain Videos

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

There is beauty in the rain, and it’s a large part of why Vancouverites tolerate it for so long throughout the year. It washes away days of dirt, leaves, and debris, and it keeps our natural surroundings lush and green. It clears the air, fills our reservoirs and mountain streams, and gives us excellent excuses […]

Capilano Suspension Bridge

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today I crossed the Capilano Suspension Bridge for the first time in my life. When I was growing up in the area we never really did the “tourist in your hometown” thing especially when it came to downtown or North Shore attractions. Sure we explored beaches, parks, and forest trails in the Valley (and I […]

Review: Cheeky Umbrellas

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Growing up in the Vancouver area I think everyone becomes a bit of an umbrella connoisseur in their own right. I know that tiny pocket umbrellas are great for those days you’re not sure it will rain since you can just tuck them away in your purse and not have to think about it if […]

Umbrella Etiquette in Vancouver

Comments 18 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The topic of “Umbrella Etiquette” in Vancouver is a dead horse and I’m about to give it another kick. For years now bloggers have published their own “rules of umbrella use” for public spaces, streets, and walkways: February 6, 2004 – Craigslist – NY: Official Rules Of Inclement Weather Umbrella Etiquette (found via LucLatulippe) November […]