Vancouver has a wide selection of public art that is supported by various city or government branches, organizations, or private supporters. A few pieces that were installed around town during the Vancouver Biennale art campaign have since stayed on as legacy works. One of which is 217.5 Arc x 13′ by Bernar Venet of France, […]
False Creek today flows in and out of English Bay, ending with the waterfront walkway at Science World. In the early days, through grasslands and a network of creeks and streams, False Creek soaked all the way back to where Clark Drive runs now. False Creek Flats 1898 – Vancouver City and Park Tourist Map. […]
2012 was a much sweeter year than 2011 which contained too many tears due to losses in our families. We bounced back and embraced the last 12 months with enthusiasm and a thirst for adventure. In 2011 I traveled 75,000kms, mostly on my own. In 2012 I wanted to share more with John and I […]
We’ve been away in Iowa for the last part of the month where temperatures have been working their way down to -20C. It’s the type of cold that impedes you from going outside and enjoying the snow — feet of snow that fell weeks ago but remains on the ground due to the chill. When […]