Everyone loves a good set of “Before and After” photos, even back in the 1910’s and 1920’s when buildings were forming the first downtown Vancouver skyline. This week I’ve picked through the Vancouver Public Library archives to put together a collection of photos of some of the city’s more well-known heritage towers and landmarks when […]
The Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival is on now with dozens of free and inexpensive activities and events that will get you out and about under these beautiful pink petals. In celebration of the festival, I have put together a collection of Vancouver Cherry Blossom Photos from the Miss604 Flickr Pool. All of the following photos […]
Tree felling using springboards Vancouver archive, history photos
Rainy days are just a part of living in Vancouver and when the sun shines for a few days in a row — revealing lush, green, natural views — we all remember its benefits. In fact you could almost say that the best part of Vancouver is all the rain because it makes us appreciate […]
I started the Miss604 Flickr Pool in 2008 and for the last four years I have been publishing weekly collections of the shared photos with the group. One name you’ll see frequently in the photo credits and captions in Clayton Perry Photography. Clayton has contributed over 1,000 images to the Miss604 Flickr Pool, sharing his […]