As I mentioned yesterday, I was able to screen the Sex and the City Movie a few days ago and as a result a bite-size version of my review below is appearing in today’s 24 Hours newspaper. Rush on out to pick up the free daily if you simply need more Miss604… in print! Now, […]
In all honesty, I saw the movie days ago thanks to the 24 Hours daily newspaper. Don’t worry as this post isn’t about spoilers or details (that one will hit the wires tomorrow), but I thought I would continue my current saucy mini series by highlighting this local girl’s view of Sex and the City […]
One of the most influential, innovative, and important filmmakers of all time once drove a motorized handcar across Canada. Always a fan of trains and railways, Buster Keaton filmed The Railrodder in 1964 for the National Film Board of Canada, his terminus being White Rock, BC. Unfortunately I knew nothing of The Railrodder until my […]
If there’s one movie I’ve heard people talking about all summer, that isn’t The Simpsons, it’s Halloween. Why is there so much buzz, is it because people just like scary movies? Well yes, that and this is a Rob Zombie production based on John Carpenter‘s screenplay. After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now […]
Photo credit: Keira on Flickr After finding a neat cafe into which none of us had ventured, I’m pretty sure we would have all been content calling it a night without even hitting the movie theatre. Nevertheless, we arrived at our destination a little early so the attendant in the box office booth was a […]