The 12th annual Leo Awards celebrating achievements in BC film and television will take place tonight and tomorrow at the Westin Bayshore. I interviewed the President of the Awards, Walter Daroshin for my new weekly events column for TV Week online. “We suggest that [the industry] just take one little pause for a weekend, once […]
While Vancouver isn’t hosting an official Sex and the City 2 Movie premiere, like the one at Radio City Music Hall in New York last night, there will definitely be chances to party. The Opus Hotel is hosting a VIP reception and fashion show on Thursday, May 27th to celebrate the film’s release and I […]
Sex and the City is returning to the big screen and even here on the West Coast gals and guys alike are getting ready for the glamorous sequel. To help build the excitement for this film, BCLC is launching a series of Sex and the City themed scratch and win tickets, available in lotto stores […]
Yesterday a crowd gathered in what used to be Workspace to welcome Disney’s Pixar animation studio to Gastown. The Georgia Straight took some video at the event which you can view on YouTube. Thanks to the Province of BC for also sharing their video of the event on YouTube and including the cute introduction that […]
New to DVD there will be a special screening of It’s Complicated starring Maryl Strep, Steve Martin, and Alec Baldwin next Thursday from at the Shangri-La Hotel’s Blue Moon Theatre. This is an exclusive event to promote the DVD (and Blu-Ray) release coming up on April 27th and the only way in is to win. […]