Archive for the category "langley"

Greater Vancouver Pumpkin Patch Update: Aldor Acres

Comments 4 by Jennifer Miles

Years ago I had Jenny write a guest post where in she reviewed a few pumpkin patches and endorsed Country Farms in Richmond. Now, two years (and another child) later she has graciously submitted an update post. This year’s pumpkin patch of choice was Aldor Acres in Langley. We arrived at about 10 Saturday morning […]

Civic Elections in Metro Vancouver

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As most folks in the region area should be aware, there are municipal elections happening very soon in numerous cities. Those in Vancouver, Surrey, Township of Langley, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Richmond, Burnaby, District of North Vancouver, and West Vancouver will be heading to the polls on November 15th to elect a new city council and […]

Vancouver History: The Simon Fraser Expedition

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I admit, I have a love/hate relationship with the Fraser River. When I have to cross it on the Pattullo, I hate it. When I watch it mix and mingle with the waters of the Thompson River at the top end of the canyon in Lytton, I love it. Recently my sister reminded me that […]

WordCamp Fraser Valley Liveblog

Comments 29 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo credit: Raul on Flickr Walking in to the Cascades Casino in Langley we were turned away immediately. No to worry though, we were actually just redirected to the Coast Hotel around back. We’re sitting in a pretty majestic ballroom with a swanky setup – microphone, projectors, little bitty notepads with the hotel logo on […]

Vancouver Social Media Scene: Third Tuesday and WordCamp Fraser Valley

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s that time of the month again, the one that we actually all look forward to: Third Tuesday is back at the Network Hub with guest speaker Joe Solomon. Nonprofits have been using social networks to get the word out since long before the Internet existed. So what happens when nonprofits combine the power of […]