A while back I was invited to a Facebook event that would celebrate the (official) arrival of the iPhone in Canada on July 11th. Lately with all the news about plans and the fact that you can only get the iPhone at a Rogers or Fido outlet several people have had enough. This afternoon on […]
I figured I would let everyone else do the blogging about the iPhone 3G coming to Canada and all the Rogers hate going around so I’ll pick up my iPhone chatter while continuing my girlie series. I’ve been getting a lot of funny looks with my bedazzled iPhone, wrapped in a case I bought for […]
The good folks at Brave New Code, specifically Dale Mugford and Duane Storey (or “D Squared” as I have just this minute decided to call them) have been working on a theme for mobile viewing of your WordPress blog. Here’s how it works: Coming this Wednesday WPtouch will be released to the world Head to […]
It’s been almost two months now and I’ve been able to learn more each day about my trusty iPhone. Wrapped in its sleek pink silicone cover, we’re still getting to know each other but I think we’re still pretty much in a honeymoon phase.
Welcome to the second installment of “A Vancouver Girl’s Guide to the iPhone“. The other morning I set out on a trusty #19 bus from downtown to Metrotown on a quest to find a case for my iPhone. Why didn’t I take the Skytrain? I had some time to kill and the direct bus 40 […]