Archive for the category "history"

Archives Photos of the Day: Advertisements

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Browsing the Vancouver Archives online photograph database I kept coming across old advertisements from around Vancouver. Posters, billboards, and painted cars. I thought it would be fun to do a roundup including commercials of our city’s past. 1946, Archives Item#: CVA 1184-2346 1948, Photographer: Jack Lindsay, Archives Item#: CVA 1184-3139 1934, PhotographeR: Stuart Thomson, Archives […]

Vancouver History: English Bay and the Bathhouse

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As Vancouver’s most famous beach, English Bay has been a source for views, sunsets, fireworks, and strolls since the dawn of our fair city. In 2010 I was running a contest to win two tickets to view the Honda Celebration of Light Fireworks from the top of the Bathhouse at English Bay. I had a […]

Vancouver History: The Stanley Park Seawall

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Seawall is not only an icon of our city, stretching its arms around Stanley Park and the downtown core, but it’s a regular hang-out for locals and visitors alike. Starting today, there will be a detour at Sunset Beach while they do some reconstruction on some older portions of the retainer. Making sure that […]

The West Vancouver Ferry: Vancouver History Readers’ Choice

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yesterday I began a new Readers’ Choice series where I answer questions that my readers or Twitter contacts have about local history. Continuing on today I’ll tackle another question: TylerIngram: @Miss604 What about the old ferry that used to go from vancouver to dunderave (West Van)? 1920s, West Vancouver Ferry crossing the Burrard Inlet, Archives […]