Industrial buildings around False Creek have either met their doom in recent years or have received face-lifts (like the Salt Building). However, the twin-roofed 1918 Opsal Steel Building on the corner of West 2nd and Quebec has met a bit of a mixed fate. Photo credit: SqueakyMarmot on Flickr The Opsal Steel building was used […]
It was March 3rd 1892 when Charles Woodward opened his first store on the corner of Harris Street (now Georgia) and Westminster Avenue (now Main) in Vancouver. He had just arrived in town from Ontario and the small setup sold dried foods. It wasn’t until 1895 that he added a drug department, incorporated (Woodward Stores […]
The injustice that was the Komagata Maru incident was one of the first things my teacher talked about in grade 11 social studies and the name has always stuck with me. In 1914 a Japanese steamship carried 376 passengers (all British subjects) from Punjab, India over to Vancouver by way of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and […]
As we make our way through Vancouver’s 125th anniversary year, many have been looking back to see how our city has grown. Thanks to the efforts of Vancouver’s first Archivist, Major Matthews, and photographers who took to documenting the ‘early years’ we can view glimpses of what Vancouver was like in its formative years. One […]
Over the last ten years the Heritage Vancouver Society has released its list of the Top Ten Endangered Sites in Vancouver and the 2011 list is now out. Schools: Carleton (1896, 1908 to 1912) Carleton School 1912. Archives Item# LGN496 Schools: Kitchener (1914 & 1924) Schools: Sexsmith (1912 & 1913) Shannon Estate (1915 to 1925) […]