Archive for the category "history"

Vancouver Heritage Week 2016

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is celebrating Vancouver Heritage Week February 15th to 21st as a part of Heritage Week in BC. Spearheaded by Heritage BC, and kicking off with National Heritage Day celebrated Canada wide, this year the theme is “Distinctive Destinations: Experience Historic Places”. 1911: Sightseeing in Stanley Park at Hollow Tree. Archives# St […]

Maple Tree Square in Gastown

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Maple Tree Square sits at one of the most photographed, and most historic, intersections in Vancouver where Water, Powell, Alexander, and Carrall streets meet. It dates back to the time when Vancouver was called Granville Townsite, and when John “Gassy Jack” Deighton opened the area’s first saloon in 1867. Deighton had paddled over from New […]

The Second Hotel Vancouver

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

It’s one of Vancouver’s lost landmarks and all that remains are pieces of its opulent interior, which can be found in antique shops or repurposed home decor, occasionally unbeknownst to the homeowner. From 1916 to 1949, the Second Hotel Vancouver stood on West Georgia Street between Howe and Granville. Built in a grand Italianate revival […]