Archive for the category "guest post"

Letters to Vancouver: Arriving in Germany

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The following has been adapted from actual correspondences I arrived on the 14th, flying from Hamburg to Stuttgart. Hamburg is a very fine city that has a dynamic blend of old buildings and startling modern architecture. They have an immense construction project at the harbour that is similar to the Expo lands development. People are […]

Something to be Thankful For

Comments 4 by Jennifer Miles

The latest craze in new mommyhood is not a trendy Italian stroller or the hottest infant-sized outfit, in fact it really has nothing to do with the baby at all. It’s something called a ‘Push Present‘. When I first caught wind of this fad it was on some American morning TV show while I was […]

Waihe'e Ridge Trail MauiA guest post by

Guest contributor Jennifer Miles is a mother who loves being active with her family of seven. From camping, baseball, swimming, and day trips, she's a power-mom with a passion for BC living.

family, guest post, sis604
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Mexican Restaurant Review

Comments 20 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I really wanted to put together a post about where to get Mexican food in Vancouver since some of my earlier attempts to collect such information were less than successful. I then decided to enlist a fellow blogger who I’ve noticed has made numerous food review posts. The following are Raul’s recommendations for good Mexican […]