Archive for the category "guest post"

West Side Story at Vancouver Opera

Comments 1 by Michelle Kim
Disclosure: Review — was not paid to write this review or any other. Michelle Kim did receive complimentary media tickets to the show in order to write her review. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

When the Vancouver Opera announced that they would be presenting West Side Story, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would it be a Broadway-style musical or would it be an opera? Turns out, much to my surprise and delight, it was both. The performance started out with dialogue as the Jets and the Sharks establish […]

Kayaking with Salmon on the Columbia River

Comments 3 by John Biehler
Disclosure: Review — John's experience was courtesy of Fairmont Hot Springs. He was not paid to write this recap and it is formed of his own opinions. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

During my recent trip the Fairmont Hot Springs, BC, I had the chance to kayak on the Columbia River during the annual chinook salmon run in early October. Instead of taking a lot of photos above the water…I dipped my camera under the kayak to give you a unique view of the activity happening underwater […]

Visiting Fairmont Hot Springs, BC

Comments 5 by John Biehler
Disclosure: Review — John's experience was courtesy of Fairmont Hot Springs. He was not paid to write this recap and it is formed of his own opinions. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

When I was a kid, growing up in Kelowna and Northern BC, my parents took our family on a lot of road trips. We went all over the place in the car camping, hoteling, etc. back in the days before iPads, Nintendo DS and seatback dvd players made road trips easier for us kids in […]

Marco Polo Tours: Tulalip, Seattle, Cruise to Vancouver

Comments 1 by Jennifer Miles
Disclosure: Unpaid, Personal Opinion — Jennifer purchased this package on her own. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

A few weeks ago when my close friend Christina called me up to tell me about a deal she had found on on the Travel Best Bets website for a trip to Seattle and back, I was quick to jump on board. This past weekend we made our way bright and early to Richmond Centre […]

Terry Fox Memorial Unveiling

Comments 3 by John Biehler

If you were around BC Place this morning, you may have seen and heard hundreds of kids running down the street and to the foot of Robson Street as part of the ceremony to unveil the new Terry Fox memorial. Photo credit: John Biehler on Flickr With a large crowd of onlookers, BC Premier Christy […]