Post #6 of #49 – Over the next 24 hours I will be raising funds for the Union Gospel Mission during Blogathon 2009 by writing a blog post every 30 minutes. Please consider donating to my cause to keep my going until 6am PT July 26th. We’re hanging out in Gastown all day so I […]
Yesterday morning I headed over to the John Fluevog shop on Water Street in Gastown for an announcement from SFU Woodwards about their new space downtown and their inaugural contemporary arts program for 2010. I ended up learning far more about the entire Woodwards project than I previously realized. The Woodwards building is a Vancouver […]
Squeaky Marmot on Flickr Earlier this month I wrote a roundup post featuring various outdoor movie nights around the Lower Mainland. The other day I also discovered a unique open air film event happening in Gastown. I was able to interview the folks at Cineworks and Urban Republic who will be bringing the drive-in movie […]
A while back my friend Keira suggested we have a mother-daughter ladies night when he mother came to visit her in town this month. After weeks of anticipation we finally made it out to dinner at Boneta, did some blitz shopping, and hung out back at the house where we filled it with giggles and […]
Last night over at the Lamplighter in Gastown over a hundred people mixed, mingled and shmoozed at Vancouver’s third Launch Party event, organized by the folks at Strutta. It’s something I would have attended regardless but the night was extra special because we were getting together all of Vancouver’s Tech Women to Watch in 2008 […]