I’ve been so busy recently that I haven’t had time to cover everything I’ve wanted to on the blog. I also haven’t had a lot of time to just chill out with John or my family even though they’re the most important things in the world to me. After waiting almost two years, John‘s immigration […]
They say, “those who blog together, stay together.” Actually, I’m not sure who says that but I hope it rings true for my husband and I. The man who calls me his partner in crime was one of my inspirations to begin blogging in the first place and his blog is celebrating a blogiversary right […]
The latest craze in new mommyhood is not a trendy Italian stroller or the hottest infant-sized outfit, in fact it really has nothing to do with the baby at all. It’s something called a ‘Push Present‘. When I first caught wind of this fad it was on some American morning TV show while I was […]
It’s a shame I can’t remember the sound of the electric trolley transit buses that rolled up and down either side of Aberdeen Ave. They were yellow and white with black trim, and had rear doors that opened on the driver’s side to accommodate loading on one-way streets and off the boulevard under the maple […]
We have 4 hours to sleep, 3 hours to drive, 3 airplanes to connect, 1 piece of luggage to check that hopefully doesn’t end up in Dallas and a total of 6 hours to fly before we touch down in the Pacific Northwest tomorrow afternoon. It’s been too short, time has flied, and we’re really […]