In just two days the Bear Creek Park Christmas Train will ride again for this holiday season. From December 6th until January 4th you and the kiddies can ride this miniature railroad through the woods, in and out of tunnels, and around lighted paths and decorations. From Tourism Surrey’s “Top 12 Things to Do in […]
Last year I was waking up in a cozy room with frosted windows that looked out onto snow-covered streets while the warm aroma of a roasted turkey dinner embraced me and my Hawkeyes sweatshirt. We were lucky enough to celebrate Thanksgiving with family in Iowa last year and unfortunately due to so many big events […]
Update December 8, 2009: The 2009 tree lighting happens tonight at 5:30pm with special guests including Diana Krall & Elvis Costello. At 6:00pm today a Christmas tree will be lit in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery to welcome the holiday season in Vancouver. Photo: SqueakyMarmot The second annual Amacon Christmas Tree lighting will be […]
A few days ago the makers of pain-reliever Motrin (Johnson & Johnson) launched a commercial campaign that annoyed and outraged mothers around the world. “That couldn’t have been written by a mother,” noted my sister, Jennifer. “The speak about how carrying your baby around is in fashion, but it’s certainly not a passing fad nor […]
While watching the “halibut battle” on Iron Chef tonight I was reminded of an email I received inviting me to the 1st Annual BC Sustainable Seafood Chowder Competition taking place tomorrow at the Vancouver Aquarium. Come, watch and taste the creations of five of BC’s finest chefs during the first Annual BC Sustainable Seafood Chowder […]