Archive for the category "family"

Abbotsford Airshow 2013

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Abbotsford Airshow is coming up this weekend, with spectacular high-flying performances in the sky as well as an abundance of attractions at ground level from August 9th to August 11th. John has a fascination with airplanes and while we have yet to make it out to the Canadian Museum of Flight in Langley, we’ve […]

Cloverdale Blueberry Festival 2013

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 10th annual Cloverdale Blueberry Festival is coming up on Saturday, August 10th and is the largest event of the year for this business district in Surrey. Photo credit: Conrad Olson on Flickr Cloverdale Blueberry Festival The Cloverdale Business Improvement Association and Cloverdale District Chamber of Commerce are hosting this festival which will include everything […]

August Events in Metro Vancouver

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Wake up, grab a coffee, slip on some sandals and head towards the water. Awake even before the hum of floatplanes fill Coal Harbour, but in time to catch the rising sun. A lap of the Seawall complete before breakfast, thousands of keystrokes on the laptop by lunch. A trip to the market, fresh greens, […]

PNE Vancity Member Day 2013

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The PNE returns for its 103rd year from August 17th until September 2nd with its full line-up of summer concerts, food vendors, exhibits, Superdogs, rides and attractions. Once again members of Vancity Credit Union will be able to receive a discounted admission for PNE Vancity Member Day on Thursday, August 29, 2013. Photo credit: Vancity […]