Gravel from the driveway crunched under my tires as the sweet aroma of plum blossoms wafted through my open car window. The ocean breeze tumbled over Crescent Beach and up the Nicomekl River, making boughs dance at Surrey’s Historic Stewart Farm. Parking by Stewart Hall, which is currently home to a Canada 150 exhibit, I […]
Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend: Friday, June 23, 2017; Saturday, June 24, 2017; Sunday, June 25, 2017 activities and events around Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley
Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend: Friday, June 16, 2017; Saturday, June 17, 2017; Sunday, June 18, 2017 activities and events in Metro Vancouver around Father’s Day
The 6th annual Surrey Doors Open is a free city-wide event that takes place on June 17th. You can explore 21 venues, connected by trolley stops or on a self-guided tour, and experience Surrey’s rich culture, history, art and architecture. One of the featured venues is the Honeybee Centre! Honeybee Centre Where: Fry’s Corner, 7480 […]
This Father’s Day weekend, Best Buy on Cambie will be hosting a free workshop event where anyone is welcome to design and build their own, customized, one-of-a-kind Father’s Day gift with the help from Google MakeLab’s laser printer! Google MakeLab at Best Buy on Cambie Where: Best Buy (2220 Cambie St, Vancouver) When: Saturday, June […]