Archive for the category "contests"

Best of 604: The Home Stretch

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo credit: nep on Flickr As there are only 3 days left to vote for your favourite websites in the region for the Best of 604, here is a quick update on the Awards Reception (RSVP now if you haven’t already). Voting ends Thursday December 11th at 12:00pm At the Awards Reception, doors open at […]

Best of 604: Voting Begins

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

As of midnight December 4th, voting is now open for the Best of 604 people’s choice awards for their favourite sites and blogs in the region. Quick Facts: Voting will be open until 12:00pm December 11th. You may vote once in each of the 14 categories. Prizes so far include: A gift pack from Kiss […]

Canadian Blog Awards 2008 Best Local Blog Finalist

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The second round of voting has started in the Canadian Blog Awards and the field has been narrowed to five finalists in each category. Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr I’d like to congratulate for making the cut for Best Local Blog and encourage everyone to check them out. They’re as local as you […]

Most Influential Canadian Women in Social Media

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

In case you needed another ballot to fill out this season, I have been nominated as one of Canada’s most influential women in social media. We’ll announce the Top 3 winners shortly after that based on a combination of the following: * PostRank’s Engagement analysis tool, PostRank will run a report based on each entrant’s […]

Best of 604 for 2008

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Each year around the time of my blogiversary I write a reflective post or hold a contest. For 2008 I’m going to invite everyone celebrate the online efforts of others from across the region with the Best of 604, since being ‘hyper-local’ is what I do. As often as I can, I try to highlight […]