Archive for the category "contests"

Video Games Live in Vancouver

Comments 102 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Video Games Live is coming to Vancouver for two performances next week presenting music from popular video games with choir performers, orchestras, exclusive video footage, and live action. The world’s biggest video game concert (that set a Guinness World Record in 2008 for most video game performances in a single year) will be at the […]

WE: Vancouver 12 Manifestos at the Vancouver Art Gallery

Comments 66 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver Art Gallery is hosting several special exhibits and events throughout the next few months in honor of Vancouver’s 125th birthday (which is tomorrow, April 6th). Source: Vancouver Art Gallery Exhibits Until May 2011: WE: Vancouver 12 Manifestos for the City This exhibition examines Vancouver through the extraordinary range of practices, actions and ideas […]

Yuri’s Night at the Space Centre

Comments 80 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yuri’s Night is an annual international celebration of Russia’s Yuri Gagarin being the first man to see the Earth from space and this year marks the expedition’s 50th anniversary. Vancouver is one of the 280 cities around the world who have signed up to host special events Saturday April 9th or Tuesday April 12th (the […]

Maplewood Farm in North Vancouver

Comments 72 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The other day I traveled about 10kms away from my home in downtown Vancouver and ended up at a 2.5 hectare farm on the North Shore. Maplewood Farm‘s rural heritage in a rapidly expanding urban setting is a rarity and I wanted to learn more about their history, experiences, and educational programs. Operated by the […]