Archive for the category "contests"

BC Travel Tuesday: Week 8 Hotel Grand Pacific Victoria

Comments 211 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A bit late on the BC Travel Tuesday entry today but it’s another great getaway, to a familiar location. In case you’re just tuning into the series, we’re now 8 weeks into the 12 week series that is showcasing some of BC’s best accommodations and destinations. backyardbc is a new travel website designed specifically for […]

Aboriginal Potlatch Supper at the CCFCC

Comments 93 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Photo: Chef Ben GenailleGood Life Vancouver The Canadian Culinary Federation’s Conference is coming to Vancouver in June bringing with it some of the country’s top chefs and culinary masterminds over the course of 8 days. One event at the CFCC is the Aboriginal Potlatch Supper taking place June 13th at Vancouver Community College that will […]

BC Bike Race 2011 & Adera’s seven35

Comments 58 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The BC Bike Race July 2nd – July 9th is a 7-day cycling adventure that will take riders from the North Shore, to Vancouver Island, down the Sunshine Coast and up to Whistler. From ferry crossings to mountain passes, cyclists will go through places like Nanaimo, Cumberland, Powell River, and Squamish on their daily rides. […]

Celebration of Light Bleacher Contest

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Celebration of Light will return this year to paint the skies above English Bay on July 30th, August 3rd, and August 6th. Photo credit: Maurice Li on Flickr Tens of thousands of young people, families, residents and visitors alike will flock to beaches and balconies to take in the spectacle. This year, there’s a […]

BC Travel Tuesday: Week 7 Painter’s Lodge Campbell River

Comments 235 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Welcome to Week 7 of the BC Travel Tuesday series. It’s been really fun to highlight regions of the province while putting smiles on the faces of our contest winners so far – and we’re not done yet. We still have a handful of great giveaways over the remaining weeks. backyardbc is a new travel […]