Archive for the category "concerts"

Vancouver 2010 Pavilions & Hospitality Houses

Comments 38 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Olympics are a time for the host nation and city to shine brightly but they are also about bringing the world together. Vancouver will be a temporary home for athletes and visitors from dozens of countries during the 2010 Olympics and there are many who have rented spaces around town to showcase their culture, […]

Peak Performance Project Finale

Comments 1 by Guest Author

This post was contributed exclusively to by Michelle Kent. The culmination of year one for the Peak Performance Project happened last night at the famed Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. 3 BC bands went head to head to head for a piece of $275 G’s. What a sweet, sweaty, good-rocking culmination it was.

Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad

Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver’s Cultural Olympiad has been taking place over the last two years, gearing up for the main event in February 2010, it features performances, art installations, concerts and more. From January 22nd until March 21st sub-festivals such as CODE and Juste pour rire, will make sure the Cultural Olympiad is jammed-packed with action. They have […]

Vancouver 2010 Concerts and Live Performances

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The stars are coming to town in 2010 but not for rock shows at GM Place, they’ll be playing medal ceremonies and public open-air concerts from Whistler to Surrey. Photo credit: Duane Storey on Flickr Here’s a quick guide to who will be here, where they will be, and if you’ll be able to attend: […]

Surrey 2010 Celebration Site

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

During the 2010 Winter Games it won’t just be Vancouver and Whistler bubbling with excitement, events, and festivities of global proportions. The City of Surrey is an official Celebration Site during the Olympics with Holland Park being the centre of it all. From February 12th until February 28th you can check out daily concerts and […]