At this time of year eerie amusements with the sole purpose of scaring your proverbial pants off pop up all around town. These haunted house attractions have activities for the little ones all the way up to frightening fun for adults. Haunted Mansion at the PNE. Photo by Phillip P on Flickr Surrey What: Potter’s […]
It’s at about 2:00am that the cold really starts to get to you. Coupled with the incessant beeps of a nearby truck in the alley that seems to be perpetually moving in reverse, and the fact that there’s nothing between you and the ragged asphalt of the alley but a layer of flattened cardboard, it […]
The 3rd annual Chefs’ Charity Dinner, a fundraiser for the Dan Snook Trust Foundation (Dan’s Legacy), is coming up October 27th. Chef Sean Cousins, along with four other top chefs in Vancouver, will create a menu of culinary masterpieces guaranteed to delight the senses. The evening begins with a selection of cocktails and canapés followed […]
The fun and festive spirit of the season meets fundraising with local families at the 4th annual PirateHouse Fundraiser in Burnaby. Consisting of an annual Halloween pirate-themed yard display and an online auction, PirateHouse began in 2013 as the brainchild of Dr. Julie Desroches to raise funds for St. Stephen Children’s Centre in Uganda. PirateHouse […]
Things to do in Vancouver This Weekend: Friday, September 30, 2016; Saturday, October 1, 2016; Sunday, October 2, 2016 activities and events around Metro Vancouver