It’s now that time of year. Lights go up on houses, trees appear in empty parking lots, Santa hangs at the local mall and families face the perilous task of the holiday portrait. Every year since our kids were born we’ve accepted the challenge. It’s nice to have one ‘professionally’ done picture of the kids […]
What do you want for Christmas? A couple of years ago our family decided it was too expensive and not really worth it to buy for every single person so we took to drawing names. Of course we all still get something for the kiddies – and in our family that number grows every year. […]
I should have added this to the post yesterday when talking about A Christmas Story [imdb]. Courtesy of You Tube, the spoof ad by Cingular. Thanks to Chris for reminding me.
I’d like to think that we do our part throughout the year to help those less fortunate or at least donate our time (since we don’t have much money) to help others. You could say that John and I do that every weekend and I suppose doing all those fun runs (Run for the Cure, […]