Archive for the category "cheap things to do"

Vancouver Canadians Home Opener

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We had a great time last night even though our team lost 10-4. The Canadians organization went all out to make this event a big splash and I believe they were successful. To start, the national anthem was sung by none other than Mark Donnelly – he’s who John and I call “Opera Man” and […]

The Boys of Summer Are Back at the Nat

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last summer I took in my first game *ever* at Nat Bailey Stadium. Being a born and raised local that might come as a surprise although our little ballpark, neatly tucked away just south of downtown near Queen Elizabeth Park is lesser-known that I realized. It all starts with White Spot, really. Home of the […]

Vancouver Summer Events Guide Pt. 2

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For a while now I’ve been adding to my “Cheap Fun” and “Cheap Things to Do” blog post categories. Cultural festivals, ice skating, swimming, and taking advantage of the hundreds of parks in the Lower Mainland are just a few off the top of my head. I’ll try and add more items to this as […]

Vancouver Summer Events Guide Pt. 1

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last summer we spent most of our time going for walks, down at the pool, and trudging through Stanley Park to get to our beloved Third Beach. Aside from the cheap, free, and simple activities that you can do outdoors in the City here are a few more organized affairs to mark on your calendar. […]

Prospect Point Battle Scars

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We went for a 3 hour walk in Stanley Park today. We’re no strangers to the park and its winding trails. We’ve taken tons of pics during the summer, walked through in the rain, done a video podcast after the storms in December and today was just to get another look. More trails were open […]