Archive for the category "cheap things to do"

Olympic Line Free Public Streetcar

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

People will have a new way to get around during the Vancouver 2010 Olympics with the Olympic Line streetcar. This Bombardier Flexity light-rail electric streetcar (on loan from Brussels) will be in operation January 21st until March 21st, 2010. Running from just outside the Olympic Village Canada Line station (on the False Creek side of […]

Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad

Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver’s Cultural Olympiad has been taking place over the last two years, gearing up for the main event in February 2010, it features performances, art installations, concerts and more. From January 22nd until March 21st sub-festivals such as CODE and Juste pour rire, will make sure the Cultural Olympiad is jammed-packed with action. They have […]

Victoria Film Festival 2010

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Victoria Film Festival is ramping up for its 2010 events, activities and film screenings. Hosting over 100 films over the course of 21 days the VFF is a year-round celebration of film and movie making on Vancouver Island. Coming from 30 countries around the globe, the films are either animation, narrative, documentary or experimental. […]

Christmas Holiday Activities for the Family

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Over the Christmas break many are wondering (since I’ve been getting inquisitive emails) what there is to do around town while the kids are still out of school. Here are a few activity suggestions: White Spot – Richmond Centre and Kingsway & Knight restaurants will be once again donating their time (and tips) to charity […]

Bright Nights in Stanley Park 2009

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This evening I took my niece and nephews on the miniature train at Bright Nights in Stanley Park, which benefits the Burn Fund. Activities include the farmyard, dazzling light displays, a Christmas light recycling station, and of course the miniature train. I haven’t been on that train in at least a decade and I forgot […]