Archive for the category "Cheap Fun"

World Rivers Day 2013 Around Metro Vancouver

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The 33rd annual BC Rivers Day celebration of World Rivers Day will take place in a number of communities between Friday, September 27th and Monday, September 30th, 2013. Free, family-friendly events will be hosted featuring everything from shoreline cleanups to live music, barbecues and boat tours. World Rivers Day Gala Event: Burnaby Where: Burnaby Village […]

Fun Fun Park Recycling Fair

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A park so nice they named it twice! Fun Fun Park in Surrey is hosting a recycling fair this Saturday to help raise funds for a new playground. In partnership with ElectroRecycle, you can drop off your electrical products for recycling (toasters, microwaves, coffee-makers, power tools, etc.) throughout the day to support this community green […]

SPES Saturday: Exploring Stanley Park

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This post has been contributed by Julie Sims M.Sc., Volunteer Coordinator & Nature House Interpreter with the Stanley Park Ecology Society (“SPES”). I have been following SPES since I moved into the West End almost eight years ago and I recently became a member. I wanted to offer the team an opportunity to share their […]

Things To Do in Vancouver This Weekend September 2013

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Everyone’s always looking for something to do for a family outing, activity with friends, or a date night and I love providing information that can help locals and visitors plan their leisure time in the city. While I have been doing a monthly event list for years, I thought I would try something new and […]

West End Fest, Wesbrook Village Festival, Fleetwood Family Festival

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

There will be no lack of events happening this weekend and whether you’ll be in Surrey, in the West End, or out at UBC you’ll be able to join in on some festival fun. The West End Fest, Wesbrook Village Festival, and Fleetwood Family Festival are all family-oriented and each will have their own bouncy […]