Archive for the category "Cheap Fun"

The Queen’s Baton Relay and Block Party in Vancouver

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Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This post is in partnership with the BC Sports Hall of Fame Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Host city of the 1954 British Commonwealth Games, Vancouver will welcome the Queen’s Baton Relay with a full day of events on August 1, 2017 as it makes its way to Australia for the next Games in 2018. Queen’s Baton Relay and Block Party The Queen’s Baton Relay is a Commonwealth Games tradition that connects […]

Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week

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Showcasing the power and beauty of authentic Indigenous art and design, Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week (“VIFW”) starts today and is a part of Canada 150+ and The Drum is Calling Festival. Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week Where: Larwill Park & Queen Elizabeth Theatre Atrium When: July 26-29, 2017 Tickets: Free! But registration is required to book […]

Arts on the Fly Benefit Concert

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Last month I toured around the Cariboo and visited communities to learn about their upcoming festivals. I met creative, talented, and passionate people who, unfortunately, are in the middle of the BC wildfire devastation right now. One of the events I was set to promote was Arts on the Fly in Horsefly, BC. With a […]