Archive for the category "charity"

Bowl for Big Brothers Classic – Blog and Bowl with Us

Comments 13 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Here at Miss604 we are always looking for neat community events and especially charity fundraisers that we can get involved with and promote. From Blogathon, Food Banks, Childhood cancer research, Hospital Foundations and Raising the Roof for the homeless. After an evening of bowling and good times at Commodore Lanes, Corinna sent me the idea […]

Raising the Roof Toque Tuesday

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Every so often while walking the streets of Vancouver you’ll have the chance to buy something. It may be a hot dog, fresh roasted chestnuts, a print from that guy who draws black and white sketches Tupac and Wayne Gretzky, or perhaps a daily newspaper. On Tuesday February 5th, volunteers will take to the streets […]

Support the Boobies

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Those of you who use the popular instant status updating, feed-publishing, messaging, window-into-your-soul web application, Twitter may have noticed over the last few weeks that some of your contacts or those you’re “following” have changed their avatars to include peas. The peas represent frozen peas, actually, and they’ve morphed into this entire support network that […]

Ride for Breast Cancer Research at Seymour

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today I’ll be strapping on my snowboard for the first time in two years and I simply can’t wait. I learned to ride about 12 years ago at my local mountain of choice – Seymour. This was mostly because it was the quickest to get to from Surrey, it was the cheapest, and had the […]

Skate for a Cure

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have decided to participate in the BC Children’s Hospital “Skate for a Cure” campaign. Skate for a Cure is an exciting fundraising event that encourages kids of all ages to get involved in raising funds to find a cure for childhood cancer. [] The incentive here, aside from raising money for childhood cancer research, […]