Archive for the category "charity"

Keall Foundation Project Tunisia Live Blog

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have found my way to the auto/ONE Trunk Gallery located on 3rd Ave between Pine and Burrard and now have internet access thanks to Cecilia and her dedicated IT guy who took my call. The gallery is actually a car dealership (talk about fusion) with white leather couches, ambient music, and cars so shiny […]

Raise a Reader 2008 Another Success

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The official snaps won’t be in the Vancouver Sun until tomorrow morning however earlier today I had the pleasure of traipsing around downtown with John, Jeff, and Alanah and meeting all kinds of Canucks thanks to Raise a Reader Day. “The Canwest Raise-a-Reader program has excellent momentum and this year, on the morning of Wednesday, […]

Paws for a Cause in Vancouver

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

There’s just one day to go in the Benji, Casey, Pete and Bella campaign for Paws for a Cause. For months now Keira has been fundraising for this very worthy organization and Matt (who helped Duane and I with the Blogathon) also backed the fundraising effort with updates on his website.

Social Media for Change: Team Diabetes, Run in Fun Places and Raise Funds for a Good Cause

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Gold Coast, Easter Island, Prague, Dublin and Honolulu; these are all locations of the Team Diabetes marathons, which aim to raise money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. I went to high school with Candice Chamberland and although it had been ten years since we last spoke she came back on my radar through Facebook […]

Social Media for Change: NDMD and Project Tunisia

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

September 25th is National Digital Media Day in Canada and all those involved with digital photography, podcasting, online video, blogging and the likes are encouraged to post content throughout this 24 hour period of celebration and awareness for the medium. As one of the national blog leads, I’ve been plotting a cross-region blogging campaign, where […]