Archive for the category "charity"

Spread the Net Student Challenge 2009

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the third year Rick Mercer is challenging high school, college, and university students across the nation to raise awareness and funds for his Spread the Net initiative through UNICEF Canada. At SFU this morning Mercer announced he was pitting the East versus the West to see who can raise the most funds for the […]

Just Singin' Round

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the past 11 years, on the first Tuesday of every month, something really neat has been taking place at the Vancouver Rowing Club in Stanley Park. Just Singin’ Round is a monthly singer/songwriter showcase put on by the Synergy Foundation. They have professionals, amateurs, first-timers, and family bands who call come together and the […]

Vancouver Twestival Tickets are Now on Sale

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the second time this year, I am organizing a Twestival event in Vancouver. Twestival is a global fundraising event that is organized through Twitter, using the service to gather volunteers, get community input, invite participants, and publicize the event. Twestival will be like a meetup, where you can show up, have some food, win […]

Endangered Vancouver Island Marmot Foundation

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

My only up close and personal experience with a Vancouver Island marmot is toying with a stuffed plush MukMuk at the Olympic store. The endangered species, which is a recently upgraded Olympic mascot for 2010, is now facing another challenge; the Vancouver Island Marmot Foundation‘s funding has been cut by the BC government. Photo credit: […]