The third Timeraiser Vancouver will be taking place toward the end of this month as people from around the city will get together to pledge their time to support local causes. To promote this event, presenting sponsor WestJet has offered up 2 tickets to anywhere they fly (valued at over $4,000) and these are being […]
I announced a few weeks ago that I will be participating in the Drop Zone challenge, raising funds for Easter Seals while repelling down the face of an office tower in downtown Vancouver. My fundraising efforts have since been lacking so with the event only a few weeks away, I thought I would kick things […]
Tomorrow morning you may notice something a little unusual outside the Vancouver City Centre Canada Line station. Scantily-clad businessmen will show how they’ve given “the suits of their backs” to promote the Moores Canadian Suit Drive this September. Photo credit: _Davo_ on Flickr What: Moores first annual Canadian Suit Drive When: Launching September 1st and […]
This year I finally got John out on the water to try kayaking and since he did so well, I decided to sign us up for the annual Kayak for a Cure happening August 29th. Kayak for a Cure is a North America-wide campaign that gets folks out on the water in support of the […]
The BCSPCA’s Paws for a Cause is coming up this September and participants are busy collecting donations and spreading the word about the event. Paws for a Cause involves a 3.5km walk and some locations have 3.5km runs as well. There will also be games and activities for pets and all ages. My friend Keira […]